« Just Cruise 2 » DVD – New Parts Online

Our new full-length just got physical. Check the new parts we released online.

Introducing « Just Cruise 2 » to the material world. 47 minutes of the Magenta crew in France’s major cities (Paris, Marseille, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Toulouse, Lyon & more) on a Digital Video Disc, now available in the WEBSTORE. To complement it, we edited a 44-page booklet with photos from the filming by French photographer extraordinaire Clement Harpillard.

Lui Araki – Noseslide Pop Out & Ruben Spelta – FS Boardslide 360 ph: Harpillard
Gs doing G things

Get a taste of the Cruise with a peep at Leo Valls overcharged pipi banks antics & newest member of the clan, Parkour Expert Florian Maillet aka @le_pleasurelove whose sections we have just released on our Youtube Channel:

Leo Nollie off the corridor – ph: Harpillard baby
Flo Maillet ladies and gentlemen

Magenta Originals Soy Panday & Vivien Feil show up with full parts 13 years after the first Magenta promo, demonstrating that neither injuries nor old age, stacks of unfinished work nor pressing family obligations, should ever get between a man and his godamn skateboard.

Mike Mag & Sergio Santoro are La Brazilian Connection, bringing tropical flavors to these French streets.

Fastest Man Alive Glen Fox, Lord of Twickenham Jereme Jones and Style Sensei Jimmy Lannon bless us with unique lines and combos.

SF Bay Area Power Duo Ben Gore & Jesse Narvaez swerve through Paris & Marseille (mostly) putting some classic and unseen spots to good use.

Finally admire the gracefulness of Milan Maestro Ruben Spelta who put it several trips to France to polish his masterpiece of a part:

Once again big thanks to our filmers Andrea Dupré & Stéphane « Feugs » Feugase who did a brilliant job. I’ll leave you with the back of the DVD in order to avoid a tedious listing of all the big dogs that made it into the video.


Thank you for the support!